Love You. Mean it.

I’m just back from last week’s incredible SAAC Show, and worked it not only as Halo’s Western regional vice president but also as a SAAC board member, as the SAACTimes newsletter editor and as The Voice of SAAC. As such, I spent a lot time in the SAAC Show management office and a lot of time watching a pretty incredible team working with SAAC executive director Nancy Phillips to put over an amazing, successful, fun and warm show.

It got me thinking about those great people in the office—the backbone of the show—and an article I wrote years ago for now-defunct Corporate Logo Magazine about appreciating the important staffers all around us. Here, for your edification and elucidation, is that article:

Within most promotional products companies, be they distributors or suppliers, the most celebrated team members are usually those in sales. They are the ones who bring in the business, who make the most money and they are—in fact—the ones around whom the actual universe revolves. It’s easy for management to focus on motivating and recognizing the Sales Superstars. Regretfully, it’s also easy to neglect the teammates behind them-the ever-toiling faithful staff.

Think about the personality of your company. Be honest. Is it a dynamic, action-packed, laugh-riot of a place to work? Or is it a stressful and strained and rife with conflict? Do your employees consider their coworkers and management as family … or is it just a place to earn a paycheck and race out the door at 4:59 PM?

In challenging times like these (boy, that never changes!) building a better workplace for your employees is more important than ever. The most productive way to accomplish this is to utilize employee appreciation techniques. We should practice what we preach and use the very tools we’re selling to our client, right? Tools such as recognition programs, years-of-service pins, annual employee awards, holiday gifts, employee—retention programs and the like are important and appreciated. It’s what we do.

But you can do many things throughout the year to create a better workplace that are easy, inexpensive and flat-out fun! Below are some examples. These are all things I’ve done and continue to do to build teamwork, inspire company loyalty, demonstrate staff appreciation and increase the circumference of my waistline. DISCLAIMER—not ALL of these ideas revolve around food. (But they should.)

COMPANY PICNIC. Many of your clients do it; you should too! Hold an event here in August or September, host a baseball game, spring for the hot dogs and potato salad, invite the spouses and families. Extra points if you add a water-balloon tossing contest into the mix!

PARKING LOT SIZZLER. Bring in a barbecue grill and cook up some burgers for your team right there as a lunch-time surprise. Be sure to wear a chef’s hat and stock up on Cheetos, Fritos and Doritos (or anything that rhymes with them).

PIZZA-LUNCH FRIDAYS. Once a month, have a pizza-lunch party on the company. Be sure to have chips, sodas, plates and napkins and bring your group in to a fully set-up pizza party with the boss serving. Employees love it when the boss serves them. Think of it as a growth experience.

BIRTHDAYS. In smaller companies, celebrate ALL birthdays as they happen. Make a big deal out of it. For a larger company, do one party a month. Tailor the cake toward the likes of the birthday boys and girls, i.e. ice cream cakes, real whipped frosting, chocolate lovers, etc. These make a perfect afternoon break at about 2:00 PM.

HALLOWEEN. Have an annual office party complete with decorations, a sound effects CD, a catered lunch and a costume contest. Pick up a few classic DVD’s of “Horror Of Dracula” or “The Wolfman” as prizes. Take pictures and post them on Facebook immediately.

SALES CONTEST INCLUSION. At Halo, we have a Fall Sales Contest that celebrates orders written on an ‘A’ margin or higher. The sales force can win great prizes and bonus commissions but we also divide up the support staff into teams to urge on their account execs. The staff teams that hit certain goals win crisp new $100 bills in December, a MUCH appreciated nod of thanks during an expensive month. Try to include and reward your staff in your sales contests.

COMPANY NEWSLETTER OR E-BLAST. Start an ‘Employee of the Month’ feature in your internal communications vehicle, focusing on a different person each issue. Interview them, share their backgrounds, talents and passions. Celebrate them! Be sure to feature their smiling faces via a photo and give the selected employee dinner for two at a local restaurant.

BEYOND EXCELLENCE AWARDS. Institute a program where your sales staff nominates support employees for going above and beyond the call of duty. Have certificates printed up and present these with great flourish at a staff or sales meeting, along with an iTunes gift card.

CORPORATE APPAREL. Whether there are three of you or 30, have some nice camp shirts or polo shirts embroidered with your company logo and distribute them to your team. Encourage them to wear their branded apparel any day, but especially on days when a client is visiting.

CAR WASH. Hire a mobile car wash service to come in and wash everybody’s cars on a Friday morning. Or a Wednesday—or any day, really. Dirty cars should not be discriminated against. Just cleaned.

I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM, WE ALL SCREAM! No, this isn’t a sequel to the Halloween Party idea. On a hot summer afternoon, walk the halls with a tray of cold ice cream sandwiches and popsicles. You’ll be the most popular person in the building!

EAT DESSERT FIRST. And continuing with the food theme, have Maple Ridge Farms or Fairytale Brownies ship in a selection of deliciousness and surprise your team with some bonus treats one afternoon. Employees rate bonus treats just behind salary increases and promotions as most appreciated among acts of random management.

DON’T JUST MASTICATE—COMMUNICATE! While these groups of chewing, salivating employees are gathered together, take that opportunity to address them. Let them know what is going on, who’s doing what, who has excelled and who has come up with a brilliant idea. Celebrate that new account, that quickly billed order, that immaculate production run, that trade show success! Make them feel like THEY are a part of your success!
Because they are.

Rick Greene, MAS is the Western Regional Vice-President for Halo Branded Solutions, a current Board Member with SAAC and the author of the comic fantasy novels, “Boofalo!” and “Shroom!”, available at

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